Far Americay by Solas Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Far Americay guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Far Americay by Solas using guitar or guitar. This song by Solas can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Far Americay guitar chords has rhythm and included in Shamrock City (2013) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Far Americay by Solas Guitar Chords/h3 (CAPO ON 5TH FRET)brbrIntro: G //// C//// G//// C////br[G] [////] [C////] [C////] [C////] [C////]brI a[G]sked what he was thinking but he h[C]adn't much to saybrbrThe r[G]evelry died down now, we'd re[C]ached the break of daybrbrGod k[G]nows it's not for glory, son, we just h[C]ave to make some roombrbrOh, my h[G]eart would surely break for you, sweet tr[C]easure of my womb[C][////]brbrWith f[G]our and t[D/F#]wenty sh[Em]illings, we s[Em]ent him [D]on his w[C]ay[////]brbrNow my b[G]lood runs t[D/F#]hrough the m[Em]ounta[D]ins[C][//]brbrOf F[D]ar Americ[G////]ay[C////][G////][C////]brbrbrFrom a R[G]ocky Mountain mine camp came a me[C]ssage here tonightbrbrHe says the m[G]ountain gives him hope these days to b[C]reak the reach of nightbrbrS[G]ays to tell the young ones that he se[C]ldom sees the moonbrbrBut the n[G]oise would wake the dead out there, he'll s[C]end some money soon[C][//]brbrThere's l[G]ight down [D/F#]in those t[Em]unnels, Oh, it's go[Em]nna' [D]be ok[C////]aybrbrMy b[G]lood slips t[D/F#]hrough the m[Em]ountai[D]ns[C//]brbrOf [D]Far Americay.[Am][G/B][C][D][G////][D/F#][G][Em][D////]brbr[Am] [G/B] [C] [D] [G////] [Am][Em][C][D][////]brbrFrom a R[G]ocky Moutain mine camp came a l[C]etter here todaybrbrHe says the w[G]inds of change are blowin' a little w[C]armer every daybrbrThat he f[G]ell in love with liberty, a g[C]irl we all once knewbrbrS[Em]he comes from good people, and he s[Am]aid she l[G/B]oves him t[C]oo[////]brbrThat [G]blood ran d[D/F#]own those r[Em]iversbrbrWhat a h[Em]eavy p[D]rice to pa[C]y[////]brbrSo [G]far now f[D/F#]rom the o[Em]cean[D]brbr[C]In [D]Far Ameri[Em//]cay[D//][C//]brbrIn F[D]ar Americ[Em//]ay[D//][C///]brbrHow y[C]oung love it m[C/B]eanders [Am]through F[D]ar Americ[G////]ay[C////]brbrRepeat G//// and C //// many times until fade out p If you want to learn Solas Far Americay guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Far Americay. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p